At the year of 1986, the IESNA (Illumination Engineering Society of North America) published the earliest standard file format for electronic transfer photometric data of lightings and luminaire (IESNA LM-63-1986: IES Recommended Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer Photometric Data), and it is quickly adopted by the lighting manufacturers and lighting software developed companies in North America. This standard was revised until 1991, and add some keywords. And revised it again at the year of 1991 and 2002 respectively. Version 2002 has been approved by American National Standard Institute (ANSI), the IESNA LM-63-2002 (IESNA Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer Photometric Data) has been the North America unique applied photometric data format, the expanded-name is “*.ies”.
IESNA Standard Format
All the IESNA LM-63 format photometric data file must be named as “.ies”, adopts ASCII file format, the first line must be IESNA 91, IESNA: LM-63-1995 or IESNA: LM-63-2002 to show the file begins, and separate from other format.
According to LM-79, the goniophotometer should be output the IES file. Both the PG-1800 and PG-1600 series goniophotometers from Pego can output the IES file, freely to contact us to get more information.
Follow the IESNA: LM-63-2002 till to “[TILT]=” is the keywords part, every keyword must add “[ ]”, the standard format as below:
[Keyword] Keyword Data include below data:
[TEST] Test report number (must)
[TEST LAB] Photometric testing laboratory (must)
[ISSUE DATE] date that the manufacturer issued the IESNA: lm-63-2002 (must)
[MANUFAC] Manufacturer of luminaire (must)
[LUMCAT] Luminaire catalog number
[LUMINAIRE] Luminaire description
[LAMPCAP] Lamp catalog number
[LAMP] Lamp description (ie., type, wattage, size, etc.)
TILT= < filename> or INCLUDE OR NONE
This line is to describe if the output of luminaire or lamp would changes along with tilt angle, if no, it shows TILT=NONE, if yes, it indicates incline multiplier information:
1. if the angle and multiplier are included in the part of photometric testing, it shows TILT=INCLUDE.
2. if the angle and multiplier are excluded, it shows TILT=
Description as below:
< lamp to luminaire geometry>, this data is to show the lumniaire position in the lighting, as below:
< angles>
The angle should be listed incrementally, and the range includes 00~900 or 00~1800
< multiplying factors>
1 7 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
1.0 .95 .94 .90 .88 .87 .94
< number of lamp>
< lumens per lamp>
< candela multiplier>
< number of vertical angles >
< photometric type (type A/type B/type C>
Contact Person: Ms. Penny Peng
Tel: +86-18979554054
Fax: 86--4008266163-29929